May 21, 2010

Robot Lovin'

From the moment Roomba first buzzed across my living room floor it was love at first sight. Not sure who loves her more, Auggie or I! The first few weeks he'd bark and smack at her when she got too close. Now if I don't tell him to get out of the way he just stands there. Waiting for Roomba to "detect" him and turn the other direction. He's even slept through it!

The first casualty of my poor Roomba. Her spinning brush! Luckily all Romba's moving parts are owner replaceable! :)

Created using Susan Stringfellow's Sketch Savvy #25


  1. I just adore your work. This is fabulous!

  2. Fantastic layout. And topic! That's the cutest pic ever.

  3. my dumb dog would have attacked an eaten the roomba. he hates our vacuum cleaner and will attack the wheels if he isn't locked in his cage when i'm vacuuming.....cute scrapbook page....

  4. Thanks for the comments everyone! :)

    He actually does bark incessantly at the regular vacuum. he hates it!! Probably has something to do with my husband chasing him around the house with it as a puppy! :P At first he barked at Roomba but was fine after I brought her out a few times.

  5. Super cute layout and I love the subject of it! One of those things in everyday life that you will look back on and them memories will flood back! Great job!

  6. Omigosh! that picture is just too adorable!!! Your cocker spaniel looks like one I had as a kid. Her name was oatmeal and she was the cutest thing ever!! I love your layout!!!

  7. That is totally FREAKING AWESOME! LOVE THIS!


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